Cellular Release Therapy is a hypnotherapy process which is designed to clear trauma and painful or frightening events (and their resultant fears and limiting beliefs,) without the client having to remember or re-experience them.
Your subconscious mind resides in every cell of your body, and these cells are continuously programmed from the moment of your conception. Every experience you have is stored not just in the brain cells, but also in every other body cell. Your subconscious mind has unlimited ability to receive, record and store information. What the subconscious mind does not reject, it accepts as fact. Therefore, your past experiences, whether you have consciously recollection of them or not, color and shape all of your ideas, beliefs, behavior patterns as well as your view of the world and of how life works. Traumatic, challenging or painful past experiences can create a lifetime of conflicts, struggles and unhealthy habits and even physical illnesses. (For a deeper understanding of this principle, you may want to read Deepak Chopra’s book, “Quantum Healing”.)
Cellular Release Therapy provides a means by which large amounts of this unconscious material can be cleared all at once. The material can be specific to a certain issue or topic which you decide you are ready to change. Your subconscious knows how to completely heal your body, mind and emotions, but lacks the volition or direction to do so. During Cellular Release, I use specific questions, suggestions and directions, in a very specific sequence, to guide you to release and clear not only the painful or difficult experiences, but also the beliefs and fears these experiences engendered. After these have been cleared, you do not lose the memories of the experiences, only the emotional charge or pain they created. You are then free to make healthier and more satisfying life choices, and live a happier, more fulfilling life.
“When I came to see Mira for Cellular Release, I had spent a lifetime not sleeping well. In my previous work in therapy, I realized that my mother’s erratic and punitive behavior towards my sister and me, especially at night, was probably the cause of my troubled sleep. But even though I had this awareness, I still had trouble sleeping. After my first Cellular Release session, much to my amazement, I began sleeping soundly and peacefully for the first time in my life. In later sessions, I was able to let go of my mother’s toxic influence on me and feel safer in my own skin and in the larger world. I am feeling really well-rested now, more energetic and am able to be more attentive to my own needs.”- JG, art teacher, Boulder, CO